Couch potato


Clay said in a comment on yesterday’s post that he wants to work telebobointo a conversation one day, and I started wondering how to say couch potato in Spanish. Apparently, telebobo means couch potato somewhere– in your country, perhaps? It makes me think of the expression the boob tube, a phrase I’ve always wanted to say but that sounds so dated. Who says boob anymore for dummy? I’ve never called a TV an idiot box either. How do Spanish speakers insult their televisions? Caja tonta and caja boba are two options I’m seeing.

Couch potato is such a great phrase when you think about it. Why potato? What did he ever do? Fortunately, this manna-like food doesn’t seem to have suffered too badly for the unfortunate association with television junkies. I just learned the phrase mouse potato–one who regularly wastes an inordinate amount of time on the computer–and I’m…

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